- Aug 11
A Cynical meta-analysis of the Bielski Partisans who inspired "Room for ONE MORE"
**If this image isn't for you, I totally get it. It turns out that WIX makes me use all caps for the subject title. It bothers me as I...
- Oct 9, 2022
Reflections on “Pieces of Sanity” and the Road to Album 2
As a “freshman” in the album release lingo, I have notched in my first line of work and put it out into the world... and it’s safe to say...
- Dec 2, 2020
Pieces of Sanity Tune Concepts— “Room for One More”
Another one of my older tunes that were transformed, “Room for One More” started out as a tune I called “reconciled”. I wrote it...
- Nov 28, 2020
Pieces of Sanity— the story behind “Tomorrow’s Season”
Sometimes in writing, we do it out of a visceral necessity to stay sane. There have been scary points in all of our lives. Ones where...