about the project
Tim Chernikoff Here. I’m looking for help in funding the creation of my next album project. And this one is going to be very different. The support I’m looking for will fund not only the album but also the launch of a new educational plaform.
It’s been a few years since I released Pieces of Sanity. Things have been difficult, crazy, adventurous, agonizing, and rarely boring. In 2023 as inflation hit the economy, I was caught off guard, and had to find a job that paid more than music was paying me, in order to support my living and working situation. I stumbled across some yotubes explaining that you can make money every day delivering food by bike, and I launched myself into a career as a delivery driver.
It was an adventure, and I had a range of experiences good and bad. Throughout it, music kept me going. And, I was exposed to a lot of new music.

Now I'm turning back to music, the reason I get out of bed every morning, and going at the album creation process with more intention than ever! Allow me to explain...
MY PROJECT PLAN IN A NUTSHELL -- For my second project, I want to expand my scope in many ways - in terms of instruments, in terms of writing styles and in terms of new playing and better technique! It’s hard to say exactly what that’s going to be, but I had a lot of strong music experiences when I was out on my bike every day and I want to reflect that. If you’ve been following me and going to my shows, you are probably well aware of a few of these experiences.
I could say exactly what instruments I want to use and what themes and what styles, but to he honest it can change during the process, and I think it’s important to be able to have artistic freedom. What I will say is that my first album brought out a certain musical personality and it’s certain that this personality will be present, in an even more potent form for this next album.AND THE AUDIENCE WILL PARTICIPATE - As a big feature of this project, I plan to be documenting everything I do and using it to feed my educational and public content. People are always saying online that they did this thing in 60 days, or that you can do it, and maybe they did but in this case, I’ll be doing it in real time and sharing it along the way. I think this will be really interesting.

SO… here’s what I need in order to make this all happen….
BUDGET - Since I am challenging myself to finish writing for my album in 2 months as actual proof for the social media world, I’m going to need to be going nonstop for 2 to 3 months. The third month would be to roll out the material I made and launch an educational program.This undertaking will cost around $5000-6000 to have happen. I need to cover my living expenses while I do a short day job shift in the morning to pay for my home studio. Being funded will allow me to be practicing, writing and documenting my process at least 8 hours per day.
This will give me enough time to have made that jump back into music by the time the funding is dry.
-For this project I want to make contributor involvement be a feature of what I do. I want to get input from you, my contributors, through prompts, questions, musical challenges, and anything else that comes up!This would be an opt in thing, of course. For the basic contribution level, You will get full access as a fan, to watch my free livestreams and check out my shows.
-When the album does come out I will of course get you copies at the levels of $15 for digital and $23 for physical [for physical I’ll throw in a copy of my first album as well if you don’t have it… to get the whole anthology] And then there will be involvement built into the higher contributor levels…
At $100 and above you can ask me anything about making music and I’ll address it as part of an Ask Me Anything series I’m going to be starting.
At $200 and above, you can prompt a more in-depth entry that I will devote more time to addressing thoroughly...
At $500 and above, I’d love to hear a song or style request from you, and I’ll make it and feature it on a video.
At $1000 and above, this is the highest level I have set here, there’s a lot of things you could do. You could visit the studio when we record the music, you could directly request a song to record in the studio, or you could prompt me to create a whole series on Youtube featuring the subject of your choosing.
…As long as it’s not something crazy or irrelevant. And, you can opt out of any of this if you just want to hear the music and see me be successful.
----------------------If I am able to turn this situation I’m in, into a detour back into music, I believe it will change the course of my life. Otherwise I’m in a situation where I have to keep searching for things to do that take me further and further away from my artistic vision.If you believe in me, and support me, I’ll be eternally grateful. Thank you for your consideration, and I appreciate your support always.
Tim Chernikoff​