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  • Writer's pictureTim Chernikoff

Big Changes Coming starting THIS Month! [Oct 2020]

Today is the first day of October, and it also marks a very important turning point in my musical journey. This month, I will be launching promotion for my debut album release!! This is exciting news for me, as it has been such a long time coming. Many people have asked me when my album was coming out, and I tried in vain to give an answer that came true. Now, I have an answer that is true! This album will undoubtedly come out in early 2021! It will go by the title, "Pieces of Sanity".

There is a ton that goes into album production. The recording session, while undoubtedly the most important part, is only 1 part of the process. I will be getting the tracks mixed and mastered, creating custom artwork and promotional content, and promoting this album, sharing the music with everyone and getting shows booked.

The ways that YOU can be a part of this project are numerous! I am going to be launching a kickstarter project, in order to help cover the costs that I cannot cover myself. These costs are absolutely essential, and the project may be delayed for a long time if they cannot be covered. My kickstarter page will soon be published, so once that happens I'll be able to share that site and the related content.

A bonus with these new developments is that I get to 'show off' my video production hobby-skills; as a kid I was very interested in video production, almost to the point of choosing between video production and music! There was video captured during the recording session, which I'll be sharing on the kickstarter video. I'll also be creating some press material that will a number of our performances.


A big thanks to everyone who tuned into my livestreams in August... I wanted to do more in September but became inundated with editing my music for the mixing engineer, and getting my kickstarter video together. I'll now be able to start the livestreams back up!! During the pandemic, many artists are using live-streaming as a way to perform. I will also be airing my kickstarter project during the stream, and encouraging anyone to contribute to the project as 'admission' to the livestream; that way, you will get an amazing incentive for watching my livestream that goes beyond simple admission to the session!

I will be keeping everyone updated on things as they come out. I'm very grateful for everyone's support, and I hope to see you around soon....

Take care, and stay sane,

Tim Chernikoff

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